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Management Team

Penelope Lane

Penelope has built an international career in Biomedical and Healthcare Innovation, led global cross-cultural teams enabling clients, products and projects to reach their full economic and social impact for investors, shareholders and global communities.

Having held leadership positions in Portfolio Strategy, Research and Development, Emerging Markets, Product Management and Strategic Partnership, and Investment her experience spans leadership positions for global corporations and complex public and private health organisations, such as the World Health Organization, The Victorian Government,  New York State, Monash and Melbourne Universities , Australian Unity, Bupa, The Mayo Clinic, and numerous global executive positions in Medical and Pharmaceutical companies such as GSK, MSD and Medtronic.

Penelope has successfully taken an Australian Cardiovascular Simulation MedTech start-up from prototype to capital raising, into international markets and though to multinational exit by acquisition to Terumo. Penelope continues to lead, advise, mentor, and invest into medical technology innovation and start-ups. She is a member of advisory boards for innovation and investment for Swinburne University and The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and is on the board of the Australian Friends of Sheba Medical Centre – Israel.

Penelope holds undergraduate degrees in Business and Biomedical Science and Business from Monash University, a Graduate Certificate in cold-chain logistics from Nanjing University, and is undertaking her Master’s in Health Economics and a Grad Cert. in Pharmacoeconomics at Harvard University.